How Do You Discover Your Authentic Self?
Easier said than done. Where does one even start looking for their authentic self? How do you discover this version of yourself? Where do you find it? It won’t come to you overnight, but here are some things you can keep in mind that can help you become more like your authentic self every day.
Step 1: Get away from distractions
The outside world and the people around us are massive influences on us, there’s no doubt about it. But this influence can be nothing but a distraction, at times. Especially if it’s stronger than your inner voice. In order to allow your authentic self and your genuine voice to shine, you need to take some time for yourself. Get away from all external pressures and influences, and spend some quality time with yourself.
No phones, no internet. Just you. Take a walk, read a book, spend some time in nature, meditate, and discover mindfulness. When you’re on your own, where do your thoughts go? What are the things you want? What are the things that are important to you? That’s what you should be focusing on in your branding.

Step 2: Enjoy yourself
One of the best ways to figure out your authentic self is to just allow yourself to enjoy yourself. Pay attention – what makes your life joyful? How do you feel when you let go of inhibitions and too many thoughts and just…live your life? Taking a closer look at the things we truly enjoy can teach us a lot about ourselves and who we truly are. Especially when what you enjoy is different when you’re alone, vs. surrounded by people. Have you ever wondered why that is?
Sharing what makes you joyful and what makes you tick can be a wonderful way to connect with your audience. People love it when they find others that share the same passions, interests, and values. You won’t just attract a bigger audience, you’ll also be able to find your Tribe, on a personal level. Do not underestimate this feeling of belonging that you will offer others and that you, yourself will be able to experience.

Step 3: Inner dialogue
Self-discovery is often sustained by constant, honest conversation with yourself. It’s not always simple, thinking about these things in a philosophical manner. Especially when it leads to uncomfortable truths about yourself, such as the fact that you’re not living your life authentically.
But making a habit of self-reflection, of critical thinking, of asking yourself who you are, what makes you happy, who you want to be and how you want to get there can reveal the answers to your dissatisfaction, confusion, or the feeling of wasted potential.
This type of dialog can also massively contribute to finding your way in business. Confronting these questions about yourself will start revealing your needs and wants, and what your ultimate path is going to be. Your direction in business will become more clear than ever, because you are no longer lost. You know exactly who you are, and that’s going to help tremendously with personal branding.

Step 4: Pay attention to your needs
We often ignore the signs our body and our mind give us. It is precisely by paying attention to these needs that you will discover your true self. If you follow and fulfill your needs as they come, you will live true to yourself and learn to stop stifling what you want and what you need. Part of finding your authentic self is finding the strength to put yourself first. And by helping yourself, you will be able to help others.

Step 5: Act spontaneously
What stops many of us from living our best, most authentic lives is overthinking. “Should I do this? What’s going to happen? What will people think? How will I be perceived? Will people judge me? Is this the best choice? Should I do something else instead?”
Not only does this sort of internal dialog stop you from being true to yourself, but it’s also exhausting! When is the last time you did something spontaneously? When you thought – “I wish I was in Paris now” and then booked a ticket on a whim? Or saw a pair of shoes you liked and bought them without hemming and hawing?
You might find that when you allow yourself to act according to your purest, unfiltered, spontaneous thoughts and desires, you are staying true to your most authentic form. Everyone will tell you that your business social media posts should be filtered, but I disagree. Allow these spontaneous thoughts to be shared with your audience, and you will endear them to your brand and who you really are. Spontaneity is the heart of life.

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